In the digital age, where artificial intelligence (AI) powers much of our daily interactions and workflows, the human labor behind these advancements often goes unnoticed.

However, a coalition of American unions and civil society groups is bringing attention to the plight of AI workers, advocating for better working conditions and protections. As the use of AI continues to expand across industries, concerns over worker exploitation, surveillance, and retaliation against organizing efforts have come to the forefront.

Let's get into the pressing issues faced by AI workers in the United States and the demands being made by advocacy groups to ensure fair treatment and respect for labor rights.

Rights of AI Workers in the US

Demand for Fair Treatment

The call for improved conditions for AI workers stems from alarming reports of exploitation and surveillance in the workplace. Companies like Amazon, Google, and Walmart have faced criticism for implementing invasive monitoring software to track their employees' every move. FedEx workers, for instance, are required to wear heavy scanners that have led to repetitive stress injuries, highlighting the physical toll of constant surveillance. According to ExpressVPN, a staggering 80% of employers utilize monitoring software, impacting the mental health of half of tracked employees, as reported by Top10VPN.

The Impact of Surveillance

Constant surveillance not only affects the physical and mental well-being of workers but also creates a hostile environment that stifles organizing efforts. Amazon's use of surveillance to retaliate against workers and suppress collective action has sparked outrage among labor rights advocates.

Similarly, employees at Google and Walmart have reported instances of employer-installed browser extensions and listening devices aimed at quashing unionizing efforts. This normalization of workplace surveillance not only undermines workers' rights but also perpetuates a cycle of fear and intimidation.

The Rise of Algorithmic Management

In addition to surveillance, AI workers face challenges stemming from algorithmic management practices employed by corporations. Mechanical Turk workers on Amazon's digital labor platform have reported being paid below minimum wage, with little to no access to benefits. Controlio, for example, is one such tool used by employers to monitor and control employee activities, further exacerbating issues of wage theft and exploitation. The rise of digital labor platforms like Uber and Amazon's Flex has led to the erosion of traditional labor rights, leaving workers vulnerable to exploitation and discrimination.

The Fight for Rights

Despite these challenges, workers and unions have been pushing back against exploitative practices. The Writers Guild of America's negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers resulted in a landmark deal outlining workers' rights to credit and compensation.

This example illustrates the power of collective action in advocating for fair treatment and respect in the workplace. However, the fight for AI worker rights is far from over, requiring continued advocacy and legislative action to address systemic issues.

Demand for Legislative Action

The coalition of unions and civil society groups is urging lawmakers, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, to prioritize the rights and well-being of AI workers. Their demands include greater protections against predatory surveillance, changes to public policies incentivizing job replacement, and fortifying workers' rights to organize around technology-related issues. These measures are crucial in safeguarding the health, safety, and wages of AI workers who are instrumental in training and developing AI technologies.


As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, we must prioritize the rights and dignity of AI workers. The demands put forth by unions and civil society groups underscore the urgent need for legislative action to address the systemic issues plaguing the AI industry. By implementing greater protections against surveillance and exploitation, and empowering workers to organize for better conditions, we can create a more equitable and sustainable future for all. It's time for lawmakers to heed the call for change and ensure that AI workers are treated with the respect and fairness they deserve.

6 May 2024